• Professor Rebecca Eynon
  • Partner Investigator (International)
  • Oxford Internet Institute and University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Professor Rebecca Eynon’s research explores the intersections between digital life, education, and inequality. Rebecca has led a range of research projects that have explored young people’s use and experiences of new technologies for everyday life and learning. Her work highlights the significant digital inequalities amongst this age group and the social and educational implications of these disparities. Rebecca’s research employs digital methods, and critically explores the application of data science within this domain.

Rebecca is widely published in the field and has co-authored two books – Education and Technology (2016) and Teenagers and Technology (2012). She was co-editor of Learning, Media and Technology from 2011-2021. She is currently on the editorial board of Learning, Media and Technology and Information and Learning Sciences.

Earliest digital memory
Playing games and learning to program on a BBC micro.